Dec 29, 2005

Thank heaven for Aunt Ro!

Our faithful babysitter - we owe you our sanity, at times. Certainly, your fun way with Caleb has helped us to begin to venture out without him in tow!!!
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Caleb, his Aunt Carrie and the Blocks

What fun it was to watch Caleb work on his blocks with his Aunt Carrie. She was ever so patient with him, helping him to figure out how to sort, stack or top his blocks.
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Caleb with Grandpa, Grandma and the Red Balloon

That balloon has fascinated Caleb for the past few visits with Kim's folks. Heaven forbid that beautiful balloon should lose its bouyancy!
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We got more than a few chuckles out of Caleb's response to his cousin Ryleigh (let me know if I mispelled her name Dana - I can edit it later!), when she playfully tugged on his shirt!
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Christmas in Watertown!

Just a few snapshots of our time with Chris' folks, brother and sister and family!
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...and more faces...

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...more faces...

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Caleb is definitely the master of facial expressions!
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Hey, Snoopie...Snoopie Come Home!

Watching Caleb with his stuffed animal had us singing that tune all weekend! (He is an AWESOME Snoopy, Aunt Carrie - thanks!!!)
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Reading by the lamlight

This Christmas gift has Caleb flipping some pages, to the tunes of one fun lamp!!!
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Whoa Horsie!!!

Caleb is feeling like a cowboy, astride his trusty steed!!!
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Dec 21, 2005


Caleb's play has taken on new dimensions...he can play on his back, his stomach - KNEELING - and has also started to help cleanup. We did help stack the toys in the background though.
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"All I want for Christmas is my...FOUR front teeth???"

Barely visible in this picture are Caleb's burgeoning teeth...all four have been coming in since Thanksgiving!
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"But Dad, there's this cool new toy on page 58 of this catalogue I found!" (Please disregard the Desperate Housewives ad on the page - we assure you, he's not a regular viewer)
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New Toy

Caleb's new toy, courtesy of Unlce Ryan and Aunt Amy, has Caleb practicing his table manners!
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Mom and me...and my teeth!

Don't let that smile fool you (Caleb's, that is). He's worked hard for those little nubs!
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Caleb is so into his meals, he feels the need to share!
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I belong to these two???

Sure, we couldn't buy a smile...but Caleb gives us this look for free!
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Dec 3, 2005

New House!

Wow! Through some personal sacrifices of our friends and families, we moved into our house over the weekend before Thanksgiving - Thank you to Tom and Christina, in particular! Now all we have to do is agree on which drawer should have the silverware, and we're good to go!
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Family Guy

Over Thanksgiving, Caleb got to meet and play with a lot of family - including his cousin Jalene!
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Big Boy Chair

Believe it or not, Caleb got into this chair with only a little outside help from Uncle Ryan. Now, sitting down in the chair was definitely an adult notion - and not Caleb's idea of fun!
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Caleb in 60 years???

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Caleb gets into the holidays...

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...Maybe too much!

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Nov 7, 2005


Caleb has mastered his surpised look, and is now working on looking innocent (or clueless) of what's happened! We think he inherited this look from his dad!!!
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