Mar 27, 2005

Little did we know...but Caleb has a button labled "Smile" just below his jaw, on the right side. I wish I had a button like that.... Posted by Hello

I'd like to know, when was the last time you were sound asleep with your arm sticking straight out? (Actually, Grandma Vickie can tell a story about doing the same it genetic???) Posted by Hello

Caleb, seen here in his Easter best, would like to thank his Great Aunt Karen for this ensemble!!! Posted by Hello

Caleb was happy to be sporting this fleece outfit, courtesy of Aunt Amy and Uncle Ryan!!! Posted by Hello

Mar 23, 2005

Ho hum....just another bath....*sigh*...Oh great, here comes the camera! Aw, Man! Just my dad is a paparazzi!!! Posted by Hello

Caleb is getting pretty interested in the outside world, and spends a lot of time simply studying the world outside his window! Posted by Hello

"How you doin'?" (We're working with Caleb on his pick up lines...) The snazzy shirt Caleb is sporting here is courtesy of his Aunt Carrie! Posted by Hello

Mar 20, 2005

Caleb had a great time with his Grandma Vickie this past week - the proof is in the look he's giving her! Posted by Hello

Woo-hoo!!! Caleb is having a blast looking at - and smiling for - his Mom and Dad! Posted by Hello

Believe it! Caleb is one wild and wooly customer after a nap!!! Posted by Hello

Caleb is hardly impressed with Dad trying to take his picture... Posted by Hello

Mar 13, 2005

When was the last time you were so sound asleep that someone was able to hold a camera ten inches from your face - giggling all the while - and take your picture while you passed gas in your sleep? Oh, that recently, eh? Posted by Hello

Mar 12, 2005

Caleb and his Daddy really make a great napping team - over an hour on this one!!! Posted by Hello

Grandpa Bob holding Caleb means someone is going to sleep HARD! Man, he even has little furrows on his brow! Posted by Hello

Caleb is getting good at this snuggling business - just ask Aunt Robyn! Posted by Hello

Hey number 19! We love you!!! Posted by Hello

This is the sweetest part of my life...I'm so amazed and awed that I belong to these two...I love you, Kim and Caleb. Love, Chris/Daddy Posted by Hello

A Pooh Bear Attack!!! Actually, Caleb was just enjoying watching his mobile circle above him. His vision must be improving, as this mobile is well over a foot over him. Posted by Hello

Mar 6, 2005

The many faces of Caleb...but we still haven't captured his smile. One of these days, I guess! Posted by Hello

A reflective Caleb... Posted by Hello