Apr 28, 2005

Caleb is loving his new hat! Although this walk was ended prematurely by some rainy weather, it's been great to see Caleb begin to smile more easily and more often!!! Posted by Hello

Apr 27, 2005

Caleb was positively gleeful - that's right, gleeful - that his friend Erin could come up from NYC to see him!!! Posted by Hello

Caleb spent his Wednesday morning brushing up on his working knowledge of farm machinery. He just needed help turning the pages! Posted by Hello

Apr 24, 2005

Aunt Carrie's got it right...Caleb is 100% Pure Potential!!! Posted by Hello

It's really amazing Kim and I how much this kid enjoys his bathtime. He's all smiles as he splashes us both... Posted by Hello

Hey, it looks like someone's been hitting the bottle a little too much lately!!! Posted by Hello

Caleb watched the NFL draft with his dad, and he thinks the Niners are #1!!! (that one's for you, Aunt Carrie!) Posted by Hello

Apr 22, 2005

Little Caleb is really starting to get into his baths...here he is all ready to go, complete with a Pooh robe and slippers!!! (Thanks Aunt Karen!) Posted by Hello

Apr 20, 2005

Caleb is loved his time in Boston, and he looked good doing it! The trip marked his three-month birthday!!! While he's still a tad young yet, he can't wait to be able to join Grampa, Uncle Ryan and Dad in playing catch or Frisbee with Aunt Robyn. But he learned to watch out for Aunt Amy...she's not only a card sharp but she's also a heck of a "Spanish Ball" player! Posted by Hello

Caleb showed up in Boston, to visit with his Uncle Ryan and Aunt Amy! He sure had a great time!!! Posted by Hello

The weather for our trip to Boston was super! Caleb was able to get into spring a little with this cute outfit. Thanks Mindy and family!!! Posted by Hello