Jul 27, 2005

Caleb is getting really interested in this blogging thing! Actually, he had me type a message for his family. "Thank you Grandmas and Grandpas, for being there for me and for my parents. Thank you for supporting the three of us as we start our family together. Thank you Aunts and Uncles, for being so warm and friendly and fun for me. Thank you Great-Grandma and Grandpa - and all of you - for being such prayer warriors for me and for my parents. I can't wait for the next time we get to laugh and play together!!!" His mom and dad second those sentiments, and pray that God would bless each of you for your sacrifices of love and support for us. Posted by Picasa

Kim and I took Caleb before the Lord, our pastor and our congregation to have him dedicated. We vowed to raise him in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, to the obedience of His Word and to model for him an upright life. We're so looking forward to sharing our faith with Caleb, and helping him to discover God for himself!!! Posted by Picasa

Caleb, seen here with Grandma Vickie, is a really laid back guy. Sometimes, he is so at ease with himself that he doesn't even bother to swallow his saliva! Posted by Picasa

It turns out that Caleb is quite a water baby!!! His legs, which aren't so visible from this angle, pump like crazy under the water. Posted by Picasa

Jul 17, 2005

In keeping with tradition, we marked Caleb's growth by placing him in his favorite chair to see just how big a pillow he'd make! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 16th marked Caleb's six-month birthday. To celebrate, he's been sitting up on his own!!! Posted by Picasa

Jul 2, 2005

The week we spent at the lake was awesome!!! Caleb got the chance to have his Mom and Dad, his Aunt Carrie and Uncle BJ and his Grandparents all under the same roof for one whole week!!! While the weather did become a tad uncomfortable, everyone proved to be a trooper - not least little Caleb!!! He and his parents can't wait to do it all again! Posted by Picasa

Grandma was into all kinds of Caleb activities! Changing diapers, exploring the lake and even serving up some sweet potatoes, she really made the most of her week with Caleb.  Posted by Picasa

Caleb relished the chance to really get to know his Grandpa and Grandma, who live a couple of hours away. Here, Grandpa and Caleb are on one of their walks. It sure was great to see how he calmed when Grandpa had him, since his teeth were really hurting him (Caleb's, that is). Posted by Picasa

Caleb has so many books, he sometimes can't choose between them!!! Posted by Picasa

Caleb the reader!!! He has many books, and likes to read them in between feedings! Posted by Picasa

Caleb really got into the swing of our vacation with Chris' family!!! He lived it up, from taking a ride in this too cute rocking chair to starting to teethe!!! Posted by Picasa

Caleb really loves his time at our church's nursery. He's sporting the logo of Crossbridge's Sunday School - a gift from the BridgeKids ministry. Posted by Picasa

Caleb is beginning to play with his pals, like his anteater! He's using his hands to explore - and to get stuff in his mouth!!! Posted by Picasa