Sep 16, 2005

We thought we had lost Caleb's pacifier...only to find that he had played a little trick on his mom and dad! I don't even want to think about what he used to get it to stick to the wall like that!!! Posted by Picasa

Sep 11, 2005

Wow!!! Caleb got himself into a standing position while playing in this basket! It's kind of wierd to see him practicing walking!!! Posted by Picasa

We are sooo ready to crawl... Posted by Picasa

Caleb loves to meet new people. He's "met" Abby before, but as he's grown a bit since the last time he saw her, this visit proved to be memorable as he alternated between being transfixed by her or laughing out loud. Posted by Picasa

Caleb is learning to sleep in even the most difficult of circumstances. Posted by Picasa

Caleb has moved from couch potatoe (I learned my spelling from Dan Quayle) to laundry basket potatoe!!! Posted by Picasa