Aug 29, 2006


Okay...That really didn't work, did it?

The Photoshow software is AWESOME...but the website won't let me use music that they disapprove of. So I am still making the shows, but we're going to host them out so we get meaningful music. Also, I'm sure you'd rather be able to download the videos and watch them at your leisure.

The first installment:

May 29, 2006

New Way of "Blogging"

To all,
This may be the last time I use this blogsite. I've stumbled on a way to share our family's experiences more easily - and frankly, more dynamically. Venture on over to, and I think you'll agree. Look for more updates through this website - and thanks to all who faithfully checked this blog, even when I disappointed by not being current.


Apr 17, 2006

A Wagon Ride for Two

Caleb has been haging out with his Caleb-sized Pooh bear for a couple of days now, including taking a house-tour in a little red wagon. Thanks, Aunt Carrie, for giving Caleb such a great friend!
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When he's not eating them, Caleb loves to gather the bubbles around himself!
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Easter Celebration!

Caleb's Aunt Carrie, Grandma and Grandpa Mason and his Mom and Dad were together for Easter - and enjoyed a great weekend to boot!!!
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Easter Sunday!

Caleb was all decked out on Sunday for church!
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New Lamb

Caleb's mom's friend, Sue, gave Caleb this wonderful Lamb. He's loves to snuggle up to her, and totes her all over the house!
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Good friends

Caleb had a friend of his over for dinner and some playtime! Kate was a blast, and Caleb sure enjoyed her visit!!!
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Dad's Hat

Caleb enjoys borrowing his dad's hat, which actually helps to prove that his pop doesn't really have that large a head after all...
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Feb 21, 2006

A Trip to the Aquarium!

Caleb loved looking at each exhibit, and took an interest in most. Here he is looking over the life that is contained in a tide pool.
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A Trip to the Aquarium!

The exhibits varied from the deep ocean to the amphibious. Here, Caleb deftly points out the location of a camoflouged frog, whose whereabouts had his mom and Aunt Amy stumped.
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A Trip to the Aquarium!

The New England Aquarium has, at its center, one of the biggest aquariums in the world. It is three stories tall, and contains an example of nearly every sealife from the sunlight zone of the ocean. Caleb was mesmerized by the huge silver fish that zipped past our viewing area. He literally jumped when the popped into view, and then oooh'ed and ahhh'ed until they disappeared. (coincidentally, the huge hand in the center is NOT Caleb' is his mother's :D)
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A Trip to the Aquarium!

Caleb visited the New England Aquarium while in Boston, Massachusetts, and was able to see all kinds of sealife. In the background, illuminated by colored lights, are some jellyfish that came to welcome Caleb to their exhibit.
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Caleb's Trip to Boston

Caleb had a great time with his Uncle Ryan (AKA: Uncle "FUN") and Aunt Amy in Beantown!!! He ate and slept like a champ, and had a grand time tearing around the home of his cousin-in-utero. We can't wait to meet and have a similarly great time with Joshua!!!
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Older Caleb?

Doesn't he seem to have aged? Kim and I call this pic, "3-year old Caleb". He certainly has a different look about him.
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Poor Caleb...the next day

Told ya! Caleb perked up the next day, despite a slight fever that came and went.
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Poor Caleb...

A close-up of Caleb under the weather, and with a bit of drool, too! Fear not, he did perk up on the next day!!!
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Poor Caleb...

Phew! Playing with toys can be such a tiring thing! I mean, there's just so many of them!!!
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Poor Caleb...

Poor Caleb was down a bit recently, with a nasty cough and fever. Don't worry, he was still into play - at just a more lethargic rate, however.
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Caleb loves Sesame St.

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Feb 2, 2006

Caleb loves this particular cabinet - it's a good fit for right now, since he can get himself in there and not bonk his head on anything. We just wish he'd clean up after he's done exploring.

Personally, I believe all little boys should have "Clark Kent" hair. Caleb has a great part! I mean, look at him! Not a hair out of place!

Afterwards, Kim and I had a little fun with Caleb's certainly is getting long!

Don't you hate it when you blink, just as someone takes your picture?

Jan 18, 2006


Hangin' out

Caleb's and his cousins, Evan and Jalene, got the chance to hang out for a couple of was fun to see the kids entertain themselves - and us, too!!!
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Balloon Attack!!!

Caleb found that batting the balloons made for a lot of good fun!!!
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The whole gang!

Caleb had a lot of well-wishers, just a few of whom appear in this photo. Chances are good that you're a friend of Caleb's, if you've found your way to this site. Many thanks to you, for supporting Kim and I and being a friend to our little guy.
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