Jul 26, 2007


It's been too long since I regularly updated this site, other than to throw a slideshow or set of pics up. To catch us all up, I have some news to share: Kim and I are expecting our second child sometime in late February or early March. Caleb is having fun with predicting whether it will be a boy or a girl, but is consistently happy with the idea of being a big brother. At 2 and a half, Caleb is beginning potty training, with some success and definitely a lot of patience. As Kim and I approach a new school year, we're excited at the new start and I am in particular chomping at the bit. AS those of you who have been more "in the know" are already aware, the past year was insanely difficult. With the help of a summer job at Home Depot, I am ready to go. This is my tenure year, so I may be absent - or maybe more present - this year as I focus on intergrating more technology in a more disciplined way. I hope to keep a psuedo-blog with my students, as well as some other web-based tools, so that I can reduce paperflow and increase my productivity. In other news, I've added a "widget" that will allow you to download images or files of mine. This will help me keep the photos new and reserve this space for text updates! Wish me luck!