Apr 19, 2008

The Hilarity of Two Children

Sometimes, there just isn't a sane moment to be had. The upside is that these two are sweet, fun kids - as these photos and video attest.

Apr 15, 2008

2 months old!

It's hard to believe that last Friday, Sophia Grace was 2 months old. She is becoming more social. She loves to smile at us and enjoys watching the family. Caleb still loves to give his baby sister kisses. Our Sophie Girl has adapted well to mom going back to work (though I'm off now for Spring Break). She is beginning to stretch out feedings, particularly at night. She even slept through the night (9pm-4am) once last week. Mom and Dad are hoping for this to continue soon...
We are in love with our beautiful baby girl and are enjoying getting to know her better.

Apr 14, 2008

Getting Ready for Bath

One night last week, before Caleb's bedtime and Sophia's bath, Caleb wanted to hold Sophia. What beautiful kids!!! When Caleb saw this pic he remarked, "Look, they're naked!" In this photo you can spot Sophia's birthmark, which is about the size of a large strawberry. The pediatricians said that this will start to shrink when she's three or so.
Sophia is really enjoying her baths, though getting out can be difficult for her (it doesn't help when the room temp is in the high sixties!). Caleb can't wait until Sophia is old enough to join him in the big tub, and makes do with helping mom and dad bathe Sophia!

Apr 2, 2008

Three Year Old Fun

Caleb was using the bathroom. He really has grown pretty independent with this. Chris went to check on him because it was too quiet. This is what he was up to. Then, he dressed himself afterwards. Isn't independence fun?!