Nov 29, 2008

Trimming the Tree

Watch for a special moment - at around 5 minutes in...

Get ready for a flurry

But not the snowy kind. We've been super-busy (again???) and have missed posting pics and stories. Here's a start, and to follow will be our Christmas tree decorating!

Nov 1, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Well this is the first year we did the whole trick-or-treat thing. Caleb seemed to enjoy it, but we are all glad Halloween is over (this is from two teachers!). Caleb liked dressing up and making a Jack-o-lantern. Here Caleb is before he went out trick-or-treating. The neighbor kids stopped by to see us and they were all so excited about their costumes.
Here's the cutest fireman in town!
I've never seen a pink leopard before, but this one is adorable!
Scooping out the pumpkin gutts!

Playing Around the House

We are finally settling in to the new house and can begin to think about paint again without shuttering. Of course the kids made a great transition. They are enjoying the extra space. Sophia is keeping up with Caleb very well. Here they are cooking together. We can't keep Sophia into the baby toys...