Feb 21, 2009


My brother, Brandon, married Sarai this past week. The ceremony was in Annapolis, Maryland, and thankfully we all were able to be there. It was such a powerful moment, and we are so pleased that Sarai has joined our family!

Wedding from christopher mason on Vimeo.

Footage from Sophia's Party

She's such a beautiful kid!

The Kids Playing Together!

Or at least near each other...with some of the same toys.

A Bland Video of Sophia in her Highchair

Hmmm...not too much happening in this video!

A Living Bag?

Caleb found a huge gift bag, and had a ton of fun with it!

Feb 5, 2009

Almost 1!!!

Getting Ready to Party!

Sophia and Caleb (who banged his thumb just as filming began) are having fun with the props for Sophia's 1st birthday party - mucho gracias, Cheng family!!!