Feb 26, 2005

We happened to capture one of Caleb's patented half-smiles! Posted by Hello

You know you've stumbled onto the frontiers of home decorating when babies double as accent pillows!!! Posted by Hello

Caleb's Grampa and Grandma made it all the way from Watertown so he could check them out! Posted by Hello

Feb 22, 2005

Aunt Amy is a master baby-tamer...Kim and I have adopted some of her methods! Posted by Hello

The...most...adorable...baby...EVER!!! Posted by Hello

A very CALM bath - YAAAY!!! Posted by Hello

Uncle Ryan came up from Beantown to visit with Caleb!!! Posted by Hello

Feb 17, 2005

Caleb, seen here posing with Dad's finger, is a happy one-month-old! Posted by Hello

Caleb turned one month old on Wednesday, February 16, 2005!!! Posted by Hello

Feb 11, 2005


Kim and I are wrapping up another week with Caleb, and it's past time to get caught up on this blog...The makers of Blogspot are finishing up a comment system that will allow those who view the page to make comments without registering. I'm not totally okay with this, since it will allow total strangers to have access to this website. The good news is that extended family members - those who I cannot invite personally to make comments - can contribute to the blog. I also am close to transferring video from our camcorder (courtesy of Steve and Vickie - thank you so much!!!) to the computer and this will allow us to host large, high def videos of Caleb and our families!!! I may have to purchase webspace, to the tune of around $30 a year (man, technology is getting cheap) so that I can move vidoes larger than 5mb to and from my computer to yours. Keep in mind that uploading information will take roughly four to ten times longer than it will take to download it, meaning that it may take an hour or more to upload a video (say, 100mb) that you can then download in ten minutes. What I'm getting at to asking you to please be patient as we get these videos up in hyperspace!

Caleb's Aunt Robyn was able to stop over and help clean up some spit up! Here it almost looks as though he's seranading Robyn!!! Posted by Hello

Feb 9, 2005

Shortly after this photo was taken....Chris was showered with urine! Parenthood is awesome!!!! Posted by Hello

Chris' Mom and Dad stopped in town to shower some love on Caleb! Posted by Hello

Kim's Parents and Grandparents pose with Caleb! Posted by Hello


Kim and I have been super blessed with family!!! It needs to be said that our two families are made up of outstanding people!!!!!!!!!

Feb 3, 2005

Aunt Carrie had a great time with Caleb!!! Posted by Hello

A Little Visit

Caleb's Aunt Carrie was able to visit with him on Wednesday, along with his Grandma Vickie. It was the first time she'd been able to hold him...and he apparently didn't disappoint. Aunt Carrie remarked that babies almost always cry when she holds them, but Caleb was more or less a trooper and fussed just a little. It was a fun visit, with Caleb making "perfect zero's" with his mouth and the word "perfect" being used a little too liberally. I'm betting he's going to struggle with his ego if this keeps up!