Mar 30, 2008

Beautiful Girl

It's hard to believe Sophia Grace has been with us for 7 weeks now. We are beginning to settle into a routine of sorts. Sophia eats every 3 hours or so. She continues to wake up for a late night feeding and then once in the middle of the night. I am getting used to our 2 am date and have gotten pretty good with waking up at 5 am and functioning pretty well. When I say functioning pretty well, that depends on the day. This morning I signed Sophia into the nursery at church as "Caleb Mason age 7 weeks." Oh well... We got to church on time (without Daddy who didn't feel well and was resting at home). Sophia has begun to smile and is doing so more often. She is beginning to talk, which is fun to hear. She is also awake for longer periods of time. Caleb is still in love with his baby sister. We actually are working on him NOT kissing her so much. We are so blessed by our two wonderful children. Thank you God for each of our kids.


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