May 31, 2008

A Legacy of Faith

When Sophia was born, we weren't sure who she looked like. This past week, Chris and I have been working on a slide show to be used tomorrow for my grandfather's memorial service. I saw this picture and was struck by the resemblance.

Last Monday morning, I was talking to Caleb about Great-Papa being sick and that soon he was going to get to go to heaven. In heaven, he'd be able to run and jump and talk and play with Jesus. Just then the phone rang and it was my dad saying that Grandpa passed away in the night. This week I have reflected a lot on Grandpa's life. Working on the slide show, I have seen aspects of my grandfather that I never knew or at least have forgotten.

My grandfather was a man of great faith. I have been sadden to think that my children will not know him, but I am realizing that they will know him. They will know him in Great-Grandma. In her solid faith, her example of being submissive and a great servant. She is who she is because of her loving husband. They will know him in my uncle, who brings a passion for life and demonstrates service in many ways. And perhaps most closely they will know their Great Papa in their own Papa who is a loving, stable man who is the greatest servant that I know. These people, who my children do know, and countless others are different because of their Great Papa. My prayer is that my children will come to know the Jesus that Grandpa loved and served and in turn Grandpa's legacy of faith will continue.

May 25, 2008

5 Years!

We celebrated our 5 year anniversary yesterday.  It's hard to believe that it has been 5 years already.  Chris has lost track of the time... When I reflect back, it's amazing how much has happened and how much God has blessed us- 2 wonderful children, a house, 2 teaching jobs, many memories with our families, grandparents that love our children and are actively involved in their lives... I have grown over the past years as I learn to fill my role as a wife. Marriage isn't easy by any means, but realizing that this is an example of Christ's love for us, I am striving to learn to be a better servant to Chris.  Even through the craziness that is life (life particularly with 2 children and the end of the school year), I want to pause and cherish these precious moments. 

May 12, 2008

3 Months Old- Can you tell them apart?

Sophia turned 3 months yesterday. Here is a picture of Caleb at 3 months. Don't they look a lot alike?

May 7, 2008

All Smiles

Sophia is certainly breathtaking, isn't she?

Caleb's Toad

We found a pretty large toad in the yard, and, before we said goodbye to "Mr. Toad", Caleb had a lot to say about him.

May 2, 2008

The Family

It's hard to believe May is here! Both of us are really looking forward to the end of the school year and things settling down a bit. Both kids have been handling a busy schedule like champs.