Aug 19, 2008

My Caleb boy

As summer winds down, I am sad that I will not be home each day with the kids. Caleb is so fun, challenging at times, but fun. His current favorite activities are of course playing trains and digging in the mulch with his trucks. He really misses his cousin for both activities. I had to include a shot of his current track. I am particularly proud of it. It is actually 2 branch lines. We'll see how long it lasts... The other night we had a fun dinner together while Daddy was at Home Depot- "party eggs and party pancakes." Caleb enjoyed red, yellow and blue eggs, green pancakes with sprinkles and blue milk. The last shot is of a very tired Caleb. He has dropped his nap but continues with a quiet time each day. Yesterday he passed out. Too much fun at home I guess.

Aug 12, 2008

Half a year old?

I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Sophia is now officially 6 months old. She did great at her check-up today and weighed in at 15 pounds 8 ounces and is 25 inches tall. At six months, Caleb was 19 pounds and 26 1/2 inches, so Sophie seems she will be shorter than her brother. Sophia is on a verge of crawling and actually crawled off of a blanket onto the grass today, probably 2 feet. She pushes up and moves her legs and then kind of dives forward. Augh, I'm not sure if I'm ready for her to be mobile yet. Actually, I know I'm not. I was hoping maybe after the move...

Aug 9, 2008

Vacation at the Lake

Well, as I type Ryan and Amy are on a plane with Josh and Kate heading home to San Diego and Uncle Dan and Aunt Kerry are flying on two different planes to Denver. We had a great week at the lake with my family. Caleb enjoyed playing with Josh, swimming, digging up the front walk, and reading with great-grandma, among other things. Sophie enjoyed meeting Kate, hanging out on the carpet, being held, trying to crawl (crazy woman!), and being around so many people. Our highlights include walks, talking (whenever possible with 4 small children around), swimming, discussing the book "The Shack", games and of course eating.