Aug 19, 2008

My Caleb boy

As summer winds down, I am sad that I will not be home each day with the kids. Caleb is so fun, challenging at times, but fun. His current favorite activities are of course playing trains and digging in the mulch with his trucks. He really misses his cousin for both activities. I had to include a shot of his current track. I am particularly proud of it. It is actually 2 branch lines. We'll see how long it lasts... The other night we had a fun dinner together while Daddy was at Home Depot- "party eggs and party pancakes." Caleb enjoyed red, yellow and blue eggs, green pancakes with sprinkles and blue milk. The last shot is of a very tired Caleb. He has dropped his nap but continues with a quiet time each day. Yesterday he passed out. Too much fun at home I guess.