Jan 27, 2009

Caleb is 4!!!

Caleb is 4!!! We celebrated his birthday with his family, with Nana and Papa Steve coming from Watertown and his Aunt Ro, Papa Bob, Grandma Kathy and Great Grandma swinging over for pizza (his favorite) and some fun. Below you can see Caleb's birthday present from us - a big boy bed!!! He loves it and has not found his way out of it in the middle of the night at all! It's been nearly two weeks and we've not heard a peep from him whatsoever. With Sophia still stirring once to three times a night, it's so cool to have this guy sleeping like a champ!

Sophia with her pal Amelia, who is a stunner at 9 months old. These two were funny together. Sophia has her "funny face" and Amelia does one awesome "fish face". It was so fun to have them together.


Terri said...

Happy Birthday - WOW Caleb is growing up so fast!!