Jun 8, 2009

It's been a while!

Things have been very busy for us this year and particularly this spring. With work and work on the house, we've been running around a lot. Chris' parents just bought a house in Rochester and plan to relocate this summer. This definitely is a blessing for us. Also, some great friends of ours are moving. This saddens us, but we know we have dear friends whom we will see again because they have a piece of our hearts and are family to us. We had a blast having a farewell BBQ last week. We'll post a video slide show of pics from that later... For now, here are a few pics of our funny children. What a joy they are!

Caleb has enjoyed playing doctor with this new doctor's kit. In this picture I guess he must have had a pretty tough boo-boo. Thankfully he survived!

My independent Sophia. She loves to feed herself. This is in fact yogurt, though it does look like paint!