Jul 26, 2008

Mommy, I'm going to be handsome

This was the phrase I heard yesterday morning when I came into the bathroom to find Caleb standing on the toilet with his hands full of Chris' hair gel. He was slathering it on his head. At that moment as a mother, I wanted to laugh and scream at the same time. I choose to laugh and we spiked Caleb's hair. Gobs and gobs of gel came off the comb as I tried to style Caleb's hair. I tried to take a picture of Caleb's hair, but the excessive amount of gel in his hair did not photograph well. Just imagine Caleb's hair looking more white than brown. We had a talk about not using Daddy's gel unless Daddy puts it in his hair... Oh 3 year olds are so fun and such a challenge.
This hair episode made me remember another funny incident from the other day. Caleb and I went to Target and as we were leaving we saw a boy with a mohawk. Caleb says (quite loudly) "That boy looks like a rooster!" I guess he was right. I love my funny boy!