Jul 19, 2008


Well, it has been a whirlwind for the Masons this past week. We had our realtor come over a week and a half ago to tell us what to work on so we'd be ready to sell our house next spring. She said "Nothing" and encouraged us to put our house on the market now. We decided to go for it and our house went on the market Tuesday. We had 10+ showings in 3 days, camped out at my (Kim) parents for a few afternoons, received and accepted an offer and have put in an offer on a house.
Now we are in the waiting game. We're praying for peace and that God will provide. It's been a roller-coaster and we're all tired, but excited to see how God provides.


Terri said...

Guys that is awesome!! You have a great house that always looks 'ready to sell'! Congrats, where is the potential new one, Phoenix?? haha j/k

Jenn Congdon said...

Wow!!! We are soo excited for you and can't wait to see how God continues to work throughot all this.