Dec 15, 2008

The "Slide"

Sophia has been crawling for the last four months, is cruising, and can stand without assistance (and simultaneously shake an object), but she still isn't too interested in walking. She has developed her own, unique form of transportation.

Dec 8, 2008

A busy couple of weeks

These pics are from the past two weeks, which were as busy as we've ever had, I think. But what a great gang we have in these pictures! We sure do have a terrific family, if I do say myself!

A Holiday Project

Dec 7, 2008

Caleb's mark

He can write!!! Okay, okay - so he's missing the "L" in C-A-L-E-B, but it's so exciting to see him beginning to read and write!!!

Nov 29, 2008

Trimming the Tree

Watch for a special moment - at around 5 minutes in...

Get ready for a flurry

But not the snowy kind. We've been super-busy (again???) and have missed posting pics and stories. Here's a start, and to follow will be our Christmas tree decorating!

Nov 1, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Well this is the first year we did the whole trick-or-treat thing. Caleb seemed to enjoy it, but we are all glad Halloween is over (this is from two teachers!). Caleb liked dressing up and making a Jack-o-lantern. Here Caleb is before he went out trick-or-treating. The neighbor kids stopped by to see us and they were all so excited about their costumes.
Here's the cutest fireman in town!
I've never seen a pink leopard before, but this one is adorable!
Scooping out the pumpkin gutts!

Playing Around the House

We are finally settling in to the new house and can begin to think about paint again without shuttering. Of course the kids made a great transition. They are enjoying the extra space. Sophia is keeping up with Caleb very well. Here they are cooking together. We can't keep Sophia into the baby toys...

Oct 20, 2008

Beautiful Sophia

We're so unapologetically biased!

Oct 19, 2008


It's amazing what a difference a little paint and elbow grease makes to transform a house. We have most of the boxes unpack except a few in the basement, so we are beginning to feel settled.


We've been a little too preoccupied with moving into the new house, and with work and other things. Here's a look at what we were up too since we last shared!

Sep 6, 2008

Little Milestones

Crawling and taking bites - what a precocious little girl!

Aug 19, 2008

My Caleb boy

As summer winds down, I am sad that I will not be home each day with the kids. Caleb is so fun, challenging at times, but fun. His current favorite activities are of course playing trains and digging in the mulch with his trucks. He really misses his cousin for both activities. I had to include a shot of his current track. I am particularly proud of it. It is actually 2 branch lines. We'll see how long it lasts... The other night we had a fun dinner together while Daddy was at Home Depot- "party eggs and party pancakes." Caleb enjoyed red, yellow and blue eggs, green pancakes with sprinkles and blue milk. The last shot is of a very tired Caleb. He has dropped his nap but continues with a quiet time each day. Yesterday he passed out. Too much fun at home I guess.

Aug 12, 2008

Half a year old?

I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Sophia is now officially 6 months old. She did great at her check-up today and weighed in at 15 pounds 8 ounces and is 25 inches tall. At six months, Caleb was 19 pounds and 26 1/2 inches, so Sophie seems she will be shorter than her brother. Sophia is on a verge of crawling and actually crawled off of a blanket onto the grass today, probably 2 feet. She pushes up and moves her legs and then kind of dives forward. Augh, I'm not sure if I'm ready for her to be mobile yet. Actually, I know I'm not. I was hoping maybe after the move...

Aug 9, 2008

Vacation at the Lake

Well, as I type Ryan and Amy are on a plane with Josh and Kate heading home to San Diego and Uncle Dan and Aunt Kerry are flying on two different planes to Denver. We had a great week at the lake with my family. Caleb enjoyed playing with Josh, swimming, digging up the front walk, and reading with great-grandma, among other things. Sophie enjoyed meeting Kate, hanging out on the carpet, being held, trying to crawl (crazy woman!), and being around so many people. Our highlights include walks, talking (whenever possible with 4 small children around), swimming, discussing the book "The Shack", games and of course eating.

Jul 31, 2008

The Sign has Arrived!

I was so relieved to finally see the SOLD sign out front, I almost kissed it. We sold the house in 2 days, but haven't had a sign saying it has sold or even "Sale Pending" for the last 2 weeks. We have had many people drive very slowly by, turn around, and even a brave woman got out of her car and walked through our backyard (with 2 cars in the driveway and the garage door open!). Hopefully this will help, but man we feel like we're in a fishbowl!

Jul 30, 2008

Thank You Aunt Carrie!

Monday we came home from our house inspection to find an awesome package on our front step. The box was filled with cute clothes for Sophia, T-shirts for Caleb and us, a Care bear, Thomas books and a fun farm animal memory game. Caleb immediately had to read the books and then play his farm game. He is excited about sharing it with his cousin next week on vacation. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Aunt Carrie for your generosity and love. It was such a sweet, unexpected treat for us!

Jul 26, 2008

Mommy, I'm going to be handsome

This was the phrase I heard yesterday morning when I came into the bathroom to find Caleb standing on the toilet with his hands full of Chris' hair gel. He was slathering it on his head. At that moment as a mother, I wanted to laugh and scream at the same time. I choose to laugh and we spiked Caleb's hair. Gobs and gobs of gel came off the comb as I tried to style Caleb's hair. I tried to take a picture of Caleb's hair, but the excessive amount of gel in his hair did not photograph well. Just imagine Caleb's hair looking more white than brown. We had a talk about not using Daddy's gel unless Daddy puts it in his hair... Oh 3 year olds are so fun and such a challenge.
This hair episode made me remember another funny incident from the other day. Caleb and I went to Target and as we were leaving we saw a boy with a mohawk. Caleb says (quite loudly) "That boy looks like a rooster!" I guess he was right. I love my funny boy!

It is official

The Masons will be moving in late September. We put in an offer, received a counter-offer, put in a final offer and they accepted it. It was $24K below their original asking price. Praise the Lord, He provides. The last thing to do is our house inspection and then begin dreaming about different paint colors. God has been so good to us.

Jul 19, 2008


Well, it has been a whirlwind for the Masons this past week. We had our realtor come over a week and a half ago to tell us what to work on so we'd be ready to sell our house next spring. She said "Nothing" and encouraged us to put our house on the market now. We decided to go for it and our house went on the market Tuesday. We had 10+ showings in 3 days, camped out at my (Kim) parents for a few afternoons, received and accepted an offer and have put in an offer on a house.
Now we are in the waiting game. We're praying for peace and that God will provide. It's been a roller-coaster and we're all tired, but excited to see how God provides.

Jul 9, 2008

Sophia - Fisherwoman!

Sophia wanted these fish so bad!

Fourth of July

We packed up and went to my (Chris') parents' house, in Sackett's Harbor. We had a blast with the fireworks, visiting the aquazoo (which on the outside looked hokey, but was really, really cool - Caleb petted a shark and 'pinkie-touched' a starfish!) - what a great time we had visiting with Nana and Papa.

Jul 3, 2008

Museum Fun!

The whole family went on a fun outing to Strong Museum of Play yesterday morning. We arrived early and were the first ones in the Clifford exhibit. We had a lot of fun in there and also the Berenstein Bears exhibit. When we got home I asked Caleb what was his favorite thing at the museum. He said "Sorting eggs and making the apples go up with the wheel." My favorites were dancing with Clifford costumes and brush a giant set of teeth which made funny noise at us in the Berenstein Bears exhibit.